access codes 10
access points 66
Alarm clock 74
anniversaries view in Calendar 56
answering a call 16, 22
Application manager 60
common actions 13
installing 78
removing 61
attachments 29, 34
autolock 64
automatic redialing 19
background image 60
backing up data 58, 76
barring calls 24, 63
barring password 65
charching 9
charge level 14
installing 8
Bluetooth 80
bookmarks 36, 39
browser settings 39
browsing Web pages 38
business cards 42
connections 80
settings 63
cache memory 39
Calculator 73
Calendar 54
call barring 24, 63
call diverting 63
call log 18
call register 18
call waiting 19
caller ID 19
calling 16, 22
cell broadcast 36
cells 47
certificates 65
charging the battery 9
chart sheets 48
cities 10, 74, 75
Clock 74
communicator interface 11, 60
concatenation 32
conference calls 22
configuration messages 35, 36
configuration server profiles 84
connecting to the Internet 66
Connection manager 85
connection methods
cable 80
infrared 82
modem 82
connections 27, 63, 85
connectivity types 80
connectors 11
Contacts 18, 41
contact groups 43
contacts list 18
Control panel 59
cookies 38
copying data 76
countries 75
cover phone 13, 16
currency format 60
cursor options 60
data calls
barring 63
diverting 63
general 84, 85
Internet access point settings 67
data connections 84
data management 60
data mover 76
data transfer 77
data transmission 94
date and time 10, 59
day view in Calendar 56
declining a call 16
Desk 21
dialed calls 18, 23
display 12
indicators 14
settings 60
diverting calls 19, 23, 63
Documents 45
downloading files 38
DTMF tones 23
e-mail 27
accounts 28, 29
attachments 29
notifications 36
servers 30
electrostatic discharge 94
ending network connections 85
extended user guide 15
faxes 34
fax calls 63
sending 34
File manager 57
footers 83
documents 45
memory card 58
Copyright © 2004-2005 Nokia. All Rights Reserved.

messages 28
general packet radio service
GSM data calls 85
headers 83
headset settings 60
help in your device 15
high-speed circuit switched data
high-speed data calls 84
Images 69
indicators 14
infrared 82
applications 78
battery 8
memory card 8
SIM card 8
Internet 38
changing connection 27
settings 66
Internet access points 66
selecting 68
Java applications 61, 79
joystick 12, 60
keyboard 11
keyguard 14
keypad lock 14
keys 11
language settings 10, 60
listening to music 71
location requests
accepting and rejecting 66
log 66
lock code 10, 64
lock settings 64
locking the keypad 14
locking the system 14
calls 18
data transfer 77
general 25
installation 61
location request 66
remote configuration 83
synchronization 78
margins 83
memory 7, 27
memory card
backing up data 58, 76
formatting 58
installing 8
passwords 57
memory status 61
menu functions 17
messages 17, 26, 27
deleting 61
e-mail 27
multimedia messages 33
picture messages 32
special message types 35
text messages 31
Messaging center 26
missed calls 18, 23
modem 82
month view in Calendar 55
moving data 76
multimedia messages 33
Music player 71
muting the ringing tone 22
My contact card 42
My own key 60
noise 94
notes view in Presentations 53
number format
Calculator 73
general 59
objects in documents 46
offline 23, 27
one-touch dialing 19
online 27
operator logos 35
outline view in Presentations 53
packet data 84
page numbering 83
page size and orientation 82
pairing 81
password protected messages 36
passwords 10
memory card 57
private key store 65
PC Suite 78
personalization 86
phone 16, 22
phone calls 16
phone line 24
picture messages 32
PIN code 10, 65
music 71
video and sound 72
voice recordings 70
power 9
Presentations 52
I n d e x
Copyright © 2004-2005 Nokia. All Rights Reserved.

previewing files 82
printing 82
privacy settings 66
private key store 65
product information 65
profiles 19, 62
proxy settings 64, 67
PUK code 10
radio interference 94
radio signal 94
RealPlayer 64, 72
received calls 18, 23
recent calls 18, 23
calls 70
voice 70
redialing 19
regional settings 59
rejecting a call 16
remote configuration 83
remote fax boxes 35
remote locking 64
remote synchronization 77
replying to text messages 31
resizing images 69
restoring data 76
retrieving e-mail 29
ringing tones 35
roaming 94
schedules 56
scripting 67
calendar entries 55
contacts 18
files and folders 57
messages 27
Java application 61
memory card 57
phone security 64
selecting text 13
service messages 63
Bluetooth 80
browser 39
Calendar 55
calls 24
connectivity 36
Contacts 19, 43
cover phone 19
display 60
Documents 45
e-mail 28, 29
fax 34, 35
first start-up 10
headset 60
Internet 66
Java application security 61
language 60
message centers 32
multimedia messages 33, 34
network 24
profiles 62
RealPlayer 64
regional 59, 60
remote configuration 83
text messages 31, 32
time and date 59
trust 65
voice mailbox 25
wallpaper 60
Sheet 47
shortcuts 13, 18, 88
signal strength 14, 94
SIM card
contacts 43
installing 8
text messages 32
slide master view in Presentations 53
slide shows 52
SMS messages 31
installing 78
removing 61
version 65
sound files 72
speed dialing 16, 19, 22
static electricity 94
stickers in the sales package 15
switching the device on and off 9
synchronizing 77
tables 46, 53
Telephone application 22
contact cards 42
documents 46
text messages 31
time and date 10, 59
to-do lists view in Calendar 56
transferring data 77
version of software 65
video clips
playing 72
sending 72
visited Web pages 39
voice mailbox 16, 25
voice memos 70
Voice recorder 70
volume 14
wallpaper 60
Web 38
downloading files 38
week view in Calendar 56
weekly time schedule view in Calendar 56
worksheets 47
writing text 17
I n d e x
Copyright © 2004-2005 Nokia. All Rights Reserved.

year schedule view in Calendar 56
I n d e x
Copyright © 2004-2005 Nokia. All Rights Reserved.